Existential therapist

Inga Burbule

Trainee Psychotherapist

Existential Psychotherapy

If you are here, you probably need something to change in your life and have come to a point where you have many questions about your life situation. Psychotherapy can help you in your search for answers. And I am here to accompany you on this journey.

About Me

My name is Inga. I am a trainee psychotherapist. Born and raised in Lithuania, I moved to Northern Ireland in 2011 and have lived in County Armagh for the last twelve years. I have been married for thirteen years and am the proud owner of three cute dogs – Lota, Liepa and Dora.

For a long time now, I have been interested in human psychology. The way people behave and how the mind works has always fascinated me. My journey into the field started in 2006 when I joined Vilnius University (Lithuania) to study for a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Having been acquainted with the works of the existentialists such as Sartre, de Beauvoir, and Camus since I was fifteen, I was very intrigued when I first heard of existential psychotherapy during my studies. After exploring it in more depth and having undergone long-term therapy with an existential therapist myself, I chose to study this approach on my path to becoming a psychotherapist. Currently, I am enrolled in an Existential Therapy training course at the Institute of Humanistic and Existential Psychology, accredited by the European Psychotherapy Association (EPA). I work under the supervision of an experienced clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. 

I chose to pursue the existential therapy path, as its core pillars give a solid foundation for explaining our relationship with ourselves and the world around us. This framework encourages us to see the world as it is, take responsibility for our actions, and explore the choices that lie in front of us. If you find existential psychotherapy as intriguing as I do, you can learn more about it here.

Therapy is like a focused conversation between two people, with professional boundaries – we will explore your thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and feelings, various aspects of your life, and how you choose to live your life. I work with anything that is of concern to you, including:

Existential dilemmas and crises

Relationship difficulties (with oneself and others)

Psychosomatic symptoms 

Loneliness and alienation

Psychological crises

Unresolved childhood issues


Search for meaning in life

ADHD and autism related challenges

Other mental health issues and disorders

How I Work

  • I am a member of The Society for Existential Analysis and work in accordance with their Code of Ethics and Professional Practice.
  • I provide confidential service in a safe and supportive environment. 
  • Counselling offers a space for exploring and making sense of your life and existence. My role is to foster such exploration by encouraging clients to understand their perception of the world and their relationship with it. I encourage clients to reflect on their personal history, way of being, and personal philosophy of life, and acknowledge and express the feelings and emotions that arise in the process.
  • Although talking about past experiences and issues clients encounter in their everyday life is essential and inevitable in therapy, being in the ‘here and now’ is an essential aspect of existential psychotherapy. We will focus on how your life circumstances and choices you made in the past influence your worldview and inner experience in the present: ‘how’ is more important than ‘why’.
  • I follow my clients’ lead while remaining non-judgmental and empathic. We work with what they bring to the session. They choose what they want to talk about, what is important to them. Clients are responsible for the content of each session, while I am there to help them find the right direction.
Existential Psychotherapist Inga Burbule